Trabajadores/as en activo, desempleados/as.
– Mejorar sus habilidades auditivas escuchando audios más largos donde la mayoría de los participantes sean hablantes nativos.
– Ayudar a los estudiantes a hablar más libremente en situaciones de presión.
– Ofrecer a los estudiantes el vocabulario que necesitan para sentirse seguros al participar en conversaciones comerciales y no relacionadas con negocios.
– Aumentar y mejorar el uso de oraciones condicionales.
– Promover el uso de más verbos compuestos.
– Brindar a los estudiantes la confianza y la capacidad de hacer preguntas sabiendo que están usando el verbo auxiliar y las palabras interrogativas correctamente.
Agile working
What is agile working and why is it important? Read about how new ways of working are helping companies adapt to change.
Coaching helps a person make positive changes in their life. Read about how a coach can help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.
Delegating means trusting someone else in your team with work and responsibilities. Why is it so important, and how can we do it better?
Effective collaboration
What are the benefits of working collaboratively and how can we work together more effectively?
Environmental impact of online shopping
Online shopping may not be as green as you think. Here’s how shopping online can have a surprisingly large carbon footprint.
Five essential marketing trends
What are the five essential marketing trends that your company needs to know about to move with the times?
Flexible working
What are flexible working arrangements and why are some people against them? Can companies benefit from offering flexible working arrangements to their employees?
Influencing across cultures
Influencing others is a vital business skill, but how should you vary your approach to get the best results in different cultures?
Job interviews
Preparation is the key to a successful job interview. Here’s how to be ready for some common question types.
Managing meetings
Meetings are essential for team working and getting things done. But done badly, they can feel like a waste of time and energy. Read on for six tips for successful meetings.
Managing up
Managing up is about how to manage your boss. Why do you need this skill and how is it done?
Mindfulness at work
What are the benefits of mindfulness at work and how can we train ourselves to be more mindful in the workplace?
For some, negotiating is about winning. For others, it’s about compromise. But if we think about it as a collaboration, often both sides can get what they want.
Resilience helps you adapt to change and recover quickly when things don’t go well. How can we become more resilient?
Working in a remote team
Remote teams bring advantages but also challenges. How can we bring out the best in our team members when they are located in different places?
Writing a good CV
When you’re applying for a job, a great CV is essential. Find out what to include and what to avoid for the best chance of getting an interview.
Coste máximo bonificable por alumno: 450€
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